About Me
Headshot of Michelle, smiling at the camera

Hey there! Nice tieu meet you!

Hi, I am Michelle Tieu, a multidisciplinary designer interested in designing for social good. I am a recent graduate from York University's Design program (BDes). I have dedicated my life to championing the principles of environmental sustainability, social justice, and inclusive design. I believe in the power of design to make the world accessible for people of all abilities.

Open my resume here
Arrow opening to the top right.


RGD Student Award for Web Design
Extracurriculars at York University
Conrad Bursary for improving lives of students with disabilities
Women and Societal Progression

What am I up to right now?

A collage of the DSA executive team, with the label, "Design Students' Assocation, 2023-2024, Executive Members"
I was the 2023-2024 Co-President for the Design Student's Association at York University, so I managed a 19 person team to facilitate events for the Design community!!
A photo of Bisi Williams, Bruce Mau and Michelle Tieu looking off-camera and in a discussion.
I worked with the Bruce Mau and Bisi Williams (yeah I know 🤯) to coordinate the Massive Action Global Health seminar series at the Dahdaleh Institute for Global Health.
Selfie of Michelle and Stefan Sagmeister at RGD DesignThinkers 2023.
I am a member of the Associate RGD Committee. I volunteered at DesignThinkers 2023 and 2024. (Here’s me with Stefan Sagmeister).
A photo of DESN2023 class members at brunch.
I was the Head of the Finance and Logistics Committee for DESN2024!

My interests

- I am a big pop music fan!
- I do yoga  🧘
- I like to crochet hats for my kitties, Peter and Cinnamon  🫶
- I love working with my hands: linocut, lithography, drawing and painting are some of my artistic interests
Michelle's cat Cinnamon, stares into the camera. She has a crochet frog hat on.Michelle's cat, Peter, is curled up and staring off-camera. He has a purple tennis ball near his paws.